If you or someone you know is in danger, contact 999.
Scotland’s Domestic abuse and forced Marriage Helpline
Our Helpline is here to support anyone with experience of domestic abuse or forced marriage, as well as their family members, friends, colleagues and professionals who support them. We provide a confidential, sensitive service to anyone who calls us.
24 hour: 0800 027 1234
Action Against Stalking
Stalking is a crime that affects a wide range of people, regardless of age, beliefs, location, physical or cognitive ability, sex, sexual orientation or gender. Being stalked can have a devastating impact psychologically, emotionally, physically and financially. Lack of understanding of, and misconceptions about, stalking can minimise victim experience and amplify stalking behaviours, creating further trauma.
0800 820 2427
Safe at Home in Scotland
We are engaging with domestic abuse services and other professionals across Scotland who are working to support adult and child victims and survivors of domestic abuse. We want to hear about your needs and collectively start thinking about longer-term recovery and resilience planning.
LGBT Domestic Abuse Scotland
The LGBT Domestic Abuse project works across Scotland to raise awareness of LGBT people's experiences of domestic abuse and improve service responses to LGBT people who experience domestic abuse and other forms of gender based violence.
0300 123 2523
Mind the Men
MindtheMen was started in memory of Grant Macdonald who we lost to suicide in 2018.
The clubs are safe places where men (18+) are able to talk about their challenges with other men in a non-clinical setting. True peer to peer support.
Sadly suicide is the biggest killer of men under 50 in Scotland.
In 2018 75% of people who died by suicide were men with many never being able to talk about how they were feeling.
Opoka is a specialist service working to stop domestic violence against women and children in the Polish community our aims to help create a world free of domestic violence against Polish women and their children where women feel safe, secure and can engage and participate in society.
0300 365 1700
Galop Services
We are continuing to support LGBT+ who have experienced hate crime, sexual violence and/or domestic abuse while remote working. Referrals to access these services can be made by emailing [email protected] or completing our online referral form. We can provide support through telephone, email, text and WhatsApp.
0800 999 5428
Karma Nirvana
Are you being pressured to get married against your will?
Do you fear to bring shame or dishonour on your family?
Have you been emotionally or physically abused?
Are you confused about what they say scripture demands of you?
Do you worry about being disowned?
0800 5999 247
Hemat Gryffe Women’s Aid
Provides advice, support and safe temporary refuge accommodation for Asian, black and minority ethnic women and young people who are experiencing, or who have experienced, domestic abuse.
0141 353 0859
Cedar Network
Cedar is a unique way of working with children, young people and their mothers who have experienced domestic abuse.
Scottish Women’s Aid
Provides advice, support and safe accommodation for women (and their children) who have been abused by their partner or ex-partner. They can recommend local groups.
0131 226 6606
Victim Support Scotland
We support victims of crime, witnesses and their family members, regardless of who they are and their circumstances. Our service is independent, free, non-judgemental and confidential. We offer bespoke support, personalised to the needs of each individual.
0800 160 1985
National Domestic Violence Helpline
Are you experiencing domestic abuse? You are not alone. The Helpline can help you find a refuge vacancy for you and your children; call us them more information. They can also support you to find other specialist services in your community, which can provide support whether or not you have left your partner.
0808 2000 247